K8 Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Cheat Sheet for kubectl, kubeadm and general k8s related commands.

kubectl Interacting with clusters

kubectl command description Comment
kubectl config view View Kubectl Configuration Display the current Kubectl configuration
kubectl config get-contexts List available contexts See the available Kubernetes clusters and their associated contexts
kubectl config current-context Display the current context Show the active Kubernetes cluster and context
kubectl config use-context <context_name> Switch to another context Change the active context to the specified one
kubectl config set-context <context_name> --namespace=<namespace_name> Set default namespace for a context Specify the default namespace for a specific context
kubectl config unset current-context Unset the current context Remove the association with the current context
kubectl config set-cluster <cluster_name> --server=<api_server_url> Add a new cluster to the configuration Define a new Kubernetes cluster with its API server URL
kubectl config set-credentials <user_name> --token=<access_token> Add user credentials to the configuration Specify user credentials, typically an access token
kubectl config set-context <context_name> --cluster=<cluster_name> --user=<user_name> Create a new context Combine a cluster and user to create a context
kubectl config delete-context <context_name> Delete a context Remove a specific context from the configuration
kubectl config delete-cluster <cluster_name> Delete a cluster Remove a cluster from the configuration
kubectl config delete-user <user_name> Delete user credentials Remove user credentials from the configuration
kubectl config use-context <context_name> Switch to another context Change the active context to the specified one
kubectl config rename-context <old_name> <new_name> Rename a context Change the name of an existing context
kubectl config set preferences.colors true Enable colorized output Enhance readability with colorized command output

General Troubleshooting

kubectl command description Comment
kubectl get events Check events for resources View events for debugging and troubleshooting
kubectl describe node <node_name> Run diagnostics on a specific node Replace <node_name> with the actual node name
kubectl get componentstatuses Check the health of cluster components Verify the status of essential components in the cluster
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces List all pods in all namespaces Useful for identifying pods in any namespace
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> Get detailed information about a specific pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl logs <pod_name> Retrieve the logs from a specific pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl top nodes Display resource usage statistics for nodes View CPU and memory usage for all nodes
kubectl top pods Display resource usage statistics for pods View CPU and memory usage for all pods


kubectl command description Comment
kubectl get nodes List all nodes in the cluster Display a list of nodes and their status
kubectl describe node <node_name> Get detailed information about a node Replace <node_name> with the actual node name
kubectl get nodes -o wide Display additional details about nodes View IP addresses and other information about nodes
kubectl get nodes --show-labels Show labels assigned to nodes Display labels associated with each node
kubectl get nodes -o json Display node information in JSON format View detailed node information in JSON
kubectl cordon <node_name> Mark a node as unschedulable Prevent new pods from being scheduled on the specified node
kubectl uncordon <node_name> Mark a node as schedulable Allow new pods to be scheduled on the specified node
kubectl drain <node_name> Safely evict all pods from a node Evacuate a node for maintenance
kubectl top nodes Display resource usage statistics for nodes View CPU and memory usage for all nodes
kubectl get nodes --sort-by=.status.capacity.cpu Sort nodes by CPU capacity Sort nodes based on CPU capacity in ascending order
kubectl label nodes <node_name> <label_key>=<label_value> Label a node Assign a label to a specific node
kubectl taint nodes <node_name> <taint_key>=<taint_value>: Taint a node Apply a taint to a node for node affinity or tolerations
kubectl describe nodes Get detailed information about all nodes View detailed information about all nodes in the cluster
kubectl get componentstatuses Check the health of cluster components Verify the status of essential components in the cluster
kubectl get nodes -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,STATUS:.status.phase Display custom columns for nodes Define custom output columns for nodes


kubectl command description Comment
kubectl get pods List all pods in the current namespace Display a list of pods and their status
kubectl get pods -n List pods in a specific namespace Replace <namespace> with the desired namespace
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> Get detailed information about a pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl logs <pod_name> Retrieve the logs from a specific pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- Execute a command in a running pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name and <command> with the desired command
kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <local_port>:<pod_port> Forward a pod's port to the local machine Replace <pod_name>, <local_port>, and <pod_port> with the actual values
kubectl delete pod <pod_name> Delete a specific pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl delete pods --all Delete all pods in the current namespace Be cautious when using this command
kubectl apply -f <pod_manifest.yaml> Create or update a pod using a manifest file Replace <pod_manifest.yaml> with the path to the pod's YAML manifest
kubectl get pod <pod_name> -o yaml Get the YAML definition of a pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- /bin/bash Open a shell in a running pod for debugging Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name
kubectl describe pod <pod_name> | grep Image Get the container image version running in a pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name


kubectl command description Comment
kubectl get storageclass List available storage classes Check the available storage classes in the cluster
kubectl describe storageclass <storageclass_name> Get detailed information about a storage class Replace <storageclass_name> with the actual storage class name
kubectl get persistentvolumes Display information about persistent volumes View details of persistent volumes in the cluster
kubectl describe persistentvolume <pv_name> Get detailed information about a persistent volume Replace <pv_name> with the actual persistent volume name
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims List persistent volume claims View information about persistent volume claims in the current namespace
kubectl describe persistentvolumeclaim <pvc_name> Get detailed information about a persistent volume claim Replace <pvc_name> with the actual persistent volume claim name
kubectl get pv,pvc List both persistent volumes and claims Display a combined list of persistent volumes and claims
kubectl apply -f <storage_manifest.yaml> Create or update storage using a manifest file Replace <storage_manifest.yaml> with the path to the storage YAML manifest
kubectl delete persistentvolume <pv_name> Delete a specific persistent volume Replace <pv_name> with the actual persistent volume name
kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaims --all Delete all persistent volume claims in the current namespace Be cautious when using this command
kubectl get storageclass -o yaml Get the YAML definition of a storage class Replace <storageclass_name> with the actual storage class name
kubectl get persistentvolume -o yaml Get the YAML definition of a persistent volume Replace <pv_name> with the actual persistent volume name
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim -o yaml Get the YAML definition of a persistent volume claim Replace <pvc_name> with the actual persistent volume claim name
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- df -h Check storage usage inside a pod Replace <pod_name> with the actual pod name and df -h with the desired command
kubectl describe storageclass <storageclass_name> | grep Provisioner Get the provisioner information for a storage class Replace <storageclass_name> with the actual storage class name


kubectl command description Comment
kubectl get services List all services in the current namespace Display a list of services and their types
kubectl get services -o wide Display additional details about services View IP addresses and ports of services
kubectl describe service <service_name> Get detailed information about a service Replace <service_name> with the actual service name
kubectl get service <service_name> -o yaml Get the YAML definition of a service Replace <service_name> with the actual service name
kubectl expose deployment <deployment_name> --port=<port_number> --target-port=<target_port> --name=<service_name> --type=<service_type> Expose a deployment as a service Replace <deployment_name>, <port_number>, <target_port>, <service_name>, and <service_type> with the actual values
kubectl apply -f <service_manifest.yaml> Create or update a service using a manifest file Replace <service_manifest.yaml> with the path to the service YAML manifest
kubectl delete service <service_name> Delete a specific service Replace <service_name> with the actual service name
kubectl get services --sort-by=.spec.ports[0].nodePort Sort services by NodePort Sort services based on NodePort value in ascending order
kubectl get services -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,TYPE:.spec.type,CLUSTER-IP:.spec.clusterIP,EXTERNAL-IP:.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip,PORT(S).:.spec.ports[*].nodePort Display custom columns for services Define custom output columns for services
kubectl get services -n List services in a specific namespace Replace <namespace> with the desired namespace
kubectl get endpoints <service_name> Display endpoints for a service View the IP addresses and ports of pods backing a service
kubectl describe ingress <ingress_name> Get detailed information about an ingress Replace <ingress_name> with the actual ingress name
kubectl get svc <service_name> -o=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}' Get the NodePort of a service using JSONPath Replace <service_name> with the actual service name


Run kubectl as non-root user
non-root@cp: ̃$ mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
non-root@cp: ̃$ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
non-root@cp: ̃$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
non-root@cp: ̃$ less .kube/config